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Writer's picture#SoydeMijas

The Citizens of Mijas already have Superheroes

As if it were a story, some new superheroes have arrived in Mijas who, far from having capes and suits, are dressed in ordinary clothes, although underneath them they have a big heart and above all a lot of courage.

Today having courage is difficult, because most of the time whoever tries to fight immediately feels like a loser, almost from the moment he starts. This happens because in our society, the current system is based on the arrogance of those who govern us, and their vomitive and insulting clientelism has us threatened when we move a foot in the wrong direction.

It is said that until you hit rock bottom, you do not decide to make a change in your life.

But do you really have to hit rock bottom to decide to change something that obviously no longer works?

It seems that it is not enough to see that 90% of us who live real life only live serenely from the 6th to the 20th of each month. Because from the 21st, it becomes a struggle to pay all the bills that arrive at the end of the month.

That is why the days and weeks fly by, and the years go by quickly.

I think that thought is common.

Or am I wrong?

We return to the Superheroes of #SoydeMijas. These residents of Mijas are endowed with extraordinary powers. And the most powerful of them is philanthropy, which is such a powerful weapon that it can sometimes dazzle anyone.

Fellowship, which is another of their powers, helps them motivate each other and not give up.

The most important mission that these Superheroes in Mijas have is to wake up a majority that is completely sedated by the system and that has already lost all motivation and all hope that things will really improve.

The most famous phrase is:

"No politician is good, they are all fakers and liars"

And in this they are right, both in Mijas and in all of Spain. There are no human persons who fulfill their mission of serving the people.

In addition, after the last macro-concert in Cala de Mijas, which cost us a contract of almost 7 million euros for 3 days a year, and without earning a FUCKING HARD, but the other way around, giving the money to an organizer that takes it all, my reflection is:

How "the hell" can they improve things in Mijas if what the City Council does is spend their taxpayers' money on nonsense?

They throw money away on "shits" while they could, spending 10 times less, help Associations and entities that cover essential services, being able to carry out essential tasks to help others.

During these last few weeks the Superheroes of #SoydeMijas have met with Mijas Associations and have been amazed that none of them have real support from the public administration of their municipality.

Shame on me if I were one of them, but now I understand why they are called scoundrels, right?

There are many simple things that could be done by the Mijas Town Hall to offer "great" support to all these great people from Mijas who give everything to help others and of whom I am very proud to be a fellow citizen.

From #SoydeMijas we are going to warmly wake up the entire population of Mijas so that they unite and vote in 2023 for professionals and "hard workers" who are going to change everything.

#SoydeMijas is the answer and it is the change to put an end to a quarter of a century of obscene partisanship composed now (and not before) by people without light or experience who try to govern us by beating the water.

I feel sorry for how they are ruining our lives and the future of the new generations.


Get to know the #SoydeMijas program at and remember to vote in the next municipal elections in Mijas.

Don't be fooled by invalid electoral programs and false promises.

And remember:


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